International collaboration

CIHR will continue to seek international opportunities to build on previous successes and to encourage new international partnerships that position Canadian researchers as leaders and innovators in key research initiatives and programs. We will broker opportunities for Canadian researchers to gain access to leading expertise, facilities and technologies, as well as unique populations and environments. We will continue to promote a culture of collaboration in the international research environment and contribute to the improved quality, timeliness and impact of health research worldwide.

CIHR is committed to ensuring that the key actors that fuel competitiveness and innovation are more internationally connected, by offering opportunities for international training and collaborative international research. CIHR is well linked to the priorities of the government and aligns with the key recommendations of the WHO and United Nations.

CIHR currently has 40 international initiatives supported by bilateral agreements with countries such as China, Israel, and Japan and multilateral agreements that span multiple countries and include international programs such as the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases, the Human Frontier Science Program and many programs under the European Framework Programme.

Responding to the health needs of Canadians will require a highly networked approach that reaches beyond Canada’s community of health researchers and transcends traditional ways of working.


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