Evaluation of the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA) – Management Response Action Plan (MRAP)

Evaluation: Institute for Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA)
Completed: 2016/17
Evaluation Lead: CIHR

Recommendation Response
Management Action Plan Responsibility Timeline
  1. The Panel recommends that the Institute for Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA) should be retained and not be amended, merged or terminated.
Agree Maintain INMHA Governing Council 2018/19
  1. The Panel recommends that the INMHA’s current mandate not change at this time.
Agree Maintain current mandate of INMHA Governing Council 2018/19
  1. The Panel recommends that CIHR and INMHA monitor the ability of INMHA to fulfil its mandate with current resource levels.
Agree to continue monitoring Resourcing and support to CIHR’s 13 institutes is assessed horizontally as part of broader evaluation of institute support, rather than on an Institute specific basis. The outcomes of this assessment informs the future state of resourcing and funding of all institutes. Executive Management Committee to monitor; Governing Council to approve 2018/19
  1. The Panel recommends that CIHR and INMHA should consider changing the name of the Institute to reflect the wider evolution towards ‘brain science.’
Agree to consider Current emphasis still required for mental health and addictions. Institute name will be reconsidered at the time of strategic plan refresh (2019). Scientific Director, Institute for Neuroscience, Mental Health and Addiction in collaboration with the Vice-President, Research Programs

Governing Council (for approval of any proposed change)
  1. The Panel recommends that CIHR and INMHA recruit an Institute-specific Advisory Board from the research community to advise and inform the Scientific Director. This INMHA-focused Board could include representatives from the research-focused national associations representing most neuroscience researchers in Canada as a means to ensure that strategic programs are formulated with maximum input from the community.
Agree As part of ongoing evaluation of institute reforms, CIHR has re-established Institute-specific Advisory Boards (including that of INMHA) with expertise to address full institute mandates. Scientific Director, Institute for Neuroscience, Mental Health and Addiction in collaboration with the Vice-President, Research Programs

Governing Council (for approval)
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